Counselor’s Corner

Welcome to Ms. Olmstead’s Counselor Corner! I am so happy to be here in Kane County to help our students achieve academic, personal, and social success. I have 24 years of teaching experience in preschool through 5th grade, and I have been an elementary school counselor for several years now. I have a BS in Elementary Education and an MS in School Counseling. The Counselor’s Corner provides you with information about the school counseling program and resources.

Irene Olmstead

Counseling Referral/Permission Form

School Counseling Program

As the school counselor, I spend a portion of my time in the classroom with students through our school-wide character education focus, part of my time working with small groups (depending on need), and some of my time checking in with individual students. I collaborate with school staff and parents in order to best meet the needs of students. 

Kids of Character Classroom Visits
I visit each classroom multiple times throughout the school year to support our character education program and have the chance to interact with every student during these visits. At KES we focus on 8 character traits we believe benefit every student in becoming responsible and caring members of society. These traits are perseverance, respect, gratitude, empathy, kindness, honesty, responsibility, and patience. 

Small Group Guidance 
A variety of small groups are offered to students who may benefit from spending some extra time developing academic, social, or emotional skills along with their peers, and to students who are coping with similar life situations. Groups can have anywhere from 3-6 members and usually meet once a week for several weeks. 

Examples of small groups offered:

  • Social Skills
  • Emotion Management
  • Healthy Friendships
  • Worry/Stress Management
  • Self-esteem/Confidence Building
  • Changing Families

Individual Guidance 
Some students can benefit from one-on-one assistance regarding academic, social, or emotional challenges. I am a short-term helper and will refer families to more long-term resources if there is a need of additional assistance.

Parent/Guardian Resources

Parent Guidance Organization

Utah Education Network: Parent/Caregiver Resources

Differences in Learning and Thinking

Coping Skills for Kids: Stress, Anxiety, Anger

Attendance Resources

School Refusal

Digital Citizenship/Online Safety
